In 1846, Mr. Carl Zeiss, a young German with a scientific university background, begins manufacturing high-precision tools.

It was with the creation of his first microscope that he gained a certain reputation and started producing for clients across Europe. Building on his success, he expanded his business with the help of highly skilled partners Ernst Abbe and later Otto Schott.

Un homme allongé sur une branche lit un livre avec des Verres progressifs Carl Zeiss

Carl Zeiss Foundation was established in 1889 but was split into two separate companies following the Second World War during the era of divided Germany. Each entity specialized and became a leader in its respective field. Finally, in 1990, they were reunified into a single entity focused on high precision.
Today, Carl Zeiss company is a prominent presence throughout the entire optics industry and is well known for its excellence.
Indeed, the lenses we offer at Lunettes & Cie bear the Zeiss brand and are produced in France with the utmost rigor.

Innovation and quality

True to its original values, Carl Zeiss Vision continues to prioritize innovation and research. Every year, new technologies are developed to improve vision and strive for perfection.
Various aspects are carefully studied, including glass transparency, surface treatments, shaping and optical geometry, thinness, contrast perception enhancement and comfort.

Come and experience the “wow” effect everyone is talking about by trying our glasses!

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